NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??

I see that some people are starting to use this wire for speaker cables and ac power cables. Is anyone here using this wire? How does it compare to the cables on the market today? THANK YOU
Simply Q consistently insults audiophiles in REPEATEDLY stating that a SIGNIFICANT percentage of audiophiles can't hear if one product sounds better than another.

Simply Q consistently insults respected companies by stating that their products are not good and have no basis in technical reasoning.

Simply Q consistently accuses respected companies of being vague or putting technically incorrect information on their websites.

Simply Q consistently accuses others of "hiding in the shadows" or "vagueness" yet he refuses to respond to ANY question I (or others) have asked that he can not twist around to his advantage.

At the same time he won't give us the link to his website or even confirm if he has actually HEARD any of these products that he's degrading.

Oddly enough, my entire marketing is based on the fact that I believe that if a person actually can compare two products side-by-side that they will EASILY be able to decide for themselves what sounds better.

I must compliment Simply Q in that he is a MASTER at goading people on forums to react while avoiding responding to anything that may put him at a disadvantage.

It is obvious that Simply Q has spent DECADES on these forums and that I have not.

On that note, I will sign off.

I should have listened and not even attempted to respond to Simply Q's obviously maliciously intended postings.

Hopefully Simply Q will send me the link to his website on my private e-mail as I requested.
Notice I said "people" and not "everyone."

There are several PEOPLE that have been posting on and reading this thread that have contacted me on my PRIVATE e-mail who, like me, want to know who Simply Q is and get the link to his company's website.

I can only assume that you are a friend of Simply Q's and that you must be on the "short list" of audiophiles that have the ability to discern if something sounds better or not.

Many other audiophiles that have read this thread (notice I didn't say "all") find him to be INSULTING and ARROGANT.

I would gladly forward some of these e-mails to you if you want to CONFIRM that I'm telling the truth.
There are several PEOPLE that have been posting on and reading this thread that have contacted me on my PRIVATE e-mail who, like me, want to know who Simply Q is and get the link to his company's website.

Why the heck are these people who want to know who Simply_q is emailing you? They should be emailing him. I had a suspicion as to who he was (his user name is very telling) but I emailed him anyway and he confirmed what I suspected.

I assure you he is someone with audio manufacturing and technology know how. His products have been reviewed and not just by audiophiles and beta testers, but by trade publications. Many of his peers in the industry respect and seek his expertise.

Can he be arrogant, sure, but I think he has the credentials to be. Can he be insulting, sometimes, hey we're not all perfect.

I don't need to see any emails you have on this topic or on Simply_q. You really should go away now. Like Richard_stacy you have biased me. Too bad, it does appear that you have some nice cables, even those interconnects on your Website that in their clear wrapping look a lot like Goertz ;)
Fuzzbutt17...I asume you were talking to me and no, never met SQ in my life nor come across him in the forums. I'm just a regular Joe idiot audiophile who occasionally wastes valuable time from my life here.

"you must be on the "short list" of audiophiles that have the ability to discern if something sounds better or not."

I have no idea what that means...

Nice post!

Simply Q: still avoiding me and my RELEVANT questions.

They weren't relevant at all.

To start with, you have ALL my contact information. If you wanted to send me information about your company in private you had every opportunity.

I didn't have any particular desire to send you that information. You wanted me to post that information here in the forum. However it served no purpose for this discussion and since I have no desire to promote my company in these forums I refused.

Further, I said if you wanted to know just for your own curiosity, you were free to EMail me.

Since I haven't received any EMail from you, I can only assume that the reason for your wanting to know wasn't simply to satisfy your own curiosity.

Should I send you an ENGRAVED INVITATION?

No. A simple EMail would suffice.

As for what products you have PERSONALLY listened to, that is RELEVANT because it confirms that you are commenting on products and theories (like magnets) that you have experience with or that you are a know-it-all and are talking out your @#$.

I don't need to listen to anything to know that a static magnetic field isn't going to do anything like Mintzar described. And in case it escaped your notice, what I addressed was only that which Mintzar had claimed.

As for Tripoint, all I've said is that there's nothing to say about them because there's no useful information on their website to say anything about.

So please explain to me why it's relevant that I listen to a product that I've said absolutely nothing about.

Have I been marketing OR offering 3rd party independent confirmation to refute unsubstantiated accusations?

You've been marketing since your first post and in a most over-the-top fashion. To the point that it should more rightly be called huckstering than marketing.

It was stated that NOS wire is a fire hazard.

What I said was that I wouldn't recommend using the old Western Electric cloth insulated wire for power cords.

That had absolutely nothing to do with your product as your product hadn't even been mentioned at that time.

So again, what's the relevance of listening to a product I've not said anything about?

Then YOU accused me of profiteering by frequently upgrading my product over short periods of time.

Admittedly, I did make a rather snarky comment regarding frequent upgrades. But only because I was getting sick of your constant marketing of your products in this forum.

But by the same token, when you said that your customers can have their older products upgraded for free, I said if that's the case I thought that was admirable.

Then YOU accused me of not clearly stating my return or upgrade policies.

Fist, I didn't say anything about your return policy.

Second, what I did was ASK you if free upgrades were an option that was available to everyone who has purchased your products. And if so, you shouldn't keep it such a secret as I saw nothing on your website offering free upgrades.

You never answered that question.

Funny how MOST of the so called "advertising" I did was in response to YOUR accusations.

Funny how you attempt to twist reality to cover your ass.

My comment regarding frequent upgrades was a RESPONSE to yet another of your marketing attempts.


Why have their been so many upgrades to Mojo Audio products over the past year? That is because we don't "hold out" like most companies so that they can launch new products at the next show.

Are products are HAND MADE in SMALL BATCHES so we are able to upgrade our materials and methods frequently.

Not one word of that had anything whatsoever to do with anything what was being discussed here. It was pure, unsolicited advertising.

Funny how MOST people I know like to get 3rd party independent confirmation on a company's products but YOU consider this to be UNIMPORTANT.

I've no idea what this has to do with.

I have a THEORY...

You resent other businesspersons success because you believe with all of your experience and with the amazing values in audiophile products you produce you should be getting "a larger piece of the pie."


What I resent are hucksters like you taking advantage of non-commercial forums like this for the purpose of marketing your products.


You REFUSE to tell the people on this thread who you are and what your company is for fear that it would give them ammunition to accuse you of things much as you have been doing to other RESPECTED companies and businesspersons.

What I REFUSE is to post the name of my company publicly in this thread in response to a question which has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to what's being discussed.

Sure, I could take advantage of your question and post it here, but that would be taking advantage. And I prefer not to do that. I'm not here to market and promote my company and products. I'll leave that to you.

NO ONE on this thread is being denied knowing who I am and what my company is. As I've said before, anyone who wishes to know is free to EMail me. So far two have done so. Neither of them were you.

The only thing I'm denying anyone is being further beaten upside the head with more shameless, unsolicited advertising that doesn't belong here.