Not enough power what does it sound like?

Maybe discussed before but having not enough power whether it's 100 watts or 300 watts what should one hear or listen for?
When you hear of a speaker being "discerning" of amplifiers, it often means that it is difficult to drive , usually in the bass region. 

These speakers prefer low output impedance amps. Rated power at 8 Ohms won't necessarily tell you this. 


+1 shadorne 

One of the best comments I got on my HiFi years ago was,

That's somewhat loud, but it really don't seem like it.

Driving a pair of Focal 1007Bes with a Rega Maia rated at 80W the speakers emmited a loud clicking rattle when I cranked them up too far, with the same amp into Thiel CS1.6s a sustained forte passage in Rattle and the Berlin Phil made the sound seem to sparkle and jump out at me from the sound stage, presumable when the power supply ran out of current (the Thiels were 3Ohn at areound 5KHz), A Naim 250, also 80W had no trouble with the same passage at even higher levels on the Thiels but it had a much stiffer power supply. The quoted power isn't the whole story.
+1 shadorne got it right with a minimum of words.
In addition, if a solid state amp is used, your tweeter may be at risk. A classic symptom of an underpowered system employing a solid state amplifier is fried tweeters.
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