Not happy with Krell SACD

I have listened to about 25 cd's and a limited amount of SACD's and I am not satisfied with the sound of the Krell SACD Standard. For whatever reason it is far too bright for my ears. It is actually fatiguing at times and I do not want to listen for more than a few minutes. Has anyone found this to be true or have another opinion? Do you have any suggestions?
Dr John
SoGood 51 - Dave, thanks, I will go there and take a look.
Drubin - Cary 308
Krelldog - I agree it could be made a bit better but sound quality is paramount here.
Theo - Sunfire TGIII, Sunfire Cinema Grand Sig, PSB Stratus Gold
Tony007 - Thanks, I will take a look
Raquel - I do not see how it can make a huge difference but I will try to give it time.
J1a - My pre-pro does not have balanced input, so I used an adapter since I did not have much choice.
Being the owner of an SCD-1,I can tell you that break-in is very real. It was my first decent player so I liked the sound right out of the box. At about 200 hrs it started to really open up, but it did'nt get great until about 400 hrs or so. I could'nt believe the day to day differences I was hearing. So give it a little time and enjoy. Gary.
I gather that "good things come to those who wait"
so I will hold off on switching the Krell for the Tri-vista
as I was planning to do , or even aother from Cary - 306/200. Thanks,
Dr John
I second the recommendation that "break-in" is REAL. To be fair you should give the player time to do what it can do. If after several hundred hours of break-in you are still displeased, atleast you will be confident that you just don't like the sound of this player, and those other players will still be out there.
Quite different sonic signatures between the tubed Cary 308 and the Krell, I would imagine.