Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator

Among high end tweets the ring radiator is as sturdy as they come.  The only other tweets I know of as sturdy are the high end AMTs.

Be?  Diamond? Ceramic? Forget about it.  Ring's' reign supreme.
Yeah not poking my tweeters with my finger lol and I'm sure most silk domes are pretty sturdy.
Post removed 
OK now we are talking
rated <<94db>>> 
But at a  hefty price.
Tell ya what I have the Vifa clone made by DavidLouis arriving next week, paid like $50/pair.
Interesting tweet.
Vifa's are 91 db. these Scans are $325 EACH!!!!
Considering i will be employing the tweets only for 10k up fq's. , not willing to fork out $700 for top end.
I can geta  pair of compression horns at like 98db = beats Scans 94db
Right now i am all about db level.
db sensitivity is everything ina  speaker, 
93db is my cut off
= Scans' Ring is at 94db. = Compression TI Horn beats it by a  massive db sens margin.
= Scans Ring is borderline old school technology.


Here is a good explanation why AMT aka Ribbons will not work for delivering  high fq's  with high fidelity.
A mid priced  grade  compression tweet wll beat out the highest priced ribbon.
Witha  FR you  can cross high at 10k so you want the best voicing in this critical ambience hz's, which only leaves 1 choice : TI CH (Titanium compression horns). The super high sensivitity makes TI CH a  clean, clear winner.