Nude TT / Armpod question

Have done reading on here lately about the benefits
of separating the armpod completely from the platter

This seems good in isolating motor vibrations from the
arm/cart assembly, if that is the design purpose.

I may have missed this in reading all the posts, but
with a separate armpod structure, how do you maintain
the strict distance relationship between the arm pivot
and the spindle center ? The armpod can now move
Each of my armpods is made of cast bronze and weighs 30 lbs sitting on 3 spikes. ARMPODS
They simply don't move without me physically lifting one of the spikes.
This is not a new idea.....see DaVinci's turntable system?
Henry, Your solution and the Da Vinci turntable system both comply with the conditions I outlined above in my first paragraph. So I am sure both work very well. However, I don't agree "in principle" with mounting a tt chassis on a compliant footer (e.g., AT616 or the like) whilst the arm is mounted on a totally noncompliant pod, because such a set-up would permit relative motion between tonearm pivot and platter/bearing. But we've been through this before; no need to butt heads over it again.
My TT and the armpod are both held in place using double-stick tape to the granite slabs. Each is on it's own slab but both slabs are sitting on a single shelf and I believe cannot move independently. I too use a Mint protractor and no movement has been detected.