Nude TT / Armpod question

Have done reading on here lately about the benefits
of separating the armpod completely from the platter

This seems good in isolating motor vibrations from the
arm/cart assembly, if that is the design purpose.

I may have missed this in reading all the posts, but
with a separate armpod structure, how do you maintain
the strict distance relationship between the arm pivot
and the spindle center ? The armpod can now move
If you have a very heavy and very stable outboard arm pod, and if the turntable is also weighted down, and if both are supported on the same perfectly flat and very stable surface, then it can be made to work and hold the alignment, as Banquo and others have done.

But it is NOT really a great idea to isolate the tonearm pivot point from the turntable, I and others maintain. There is a case to be made that the tonearm at its pivot must move in unison with the bearing and platter, in response to spurious external stimuli (a large truck passing by, an airplane flying low, a big fat guy walking around on the floor above), because the stylus will read any difference in motion between the two as a signal that will be overlaid onto the audio signal. Such a phenomenon is not desireable. The reason that a set-up such as the one I describe above can work well is precisely because it does favor coupling.
Each of my armpods is made of cast bronze and weighs 30 lbs sitting on 3 spikes. ARMPODS
They simply don't move without me physically lifting one of the spikes.
This is not a new idea.....see DaVinci's turntable system?
Henry, Your solution and the Da Vinci turntable system both comply with the conditions I outlined above in my first paragraph. So I am sure both work very well. However, I don't agree "in principle" with mounting a tt chassis on a compliant footer (e.g., AT616 or the like) whilst the arm is mounted on a totally noncompliant pod, because such a set-up would permit relative motion between tonearm pivot and platter/bearing. But we've been through this before; no need to butt heads over it again.
My TT and the armpod are both held in place using double-stick tape to the granite slabs. Each is on it's own slab but both slabs are sitting on a single shelf and I believe cannot move independently. I too use a Mint protractor and no movement has been detected.