Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Dear Halcro,
yes I have the same duty as you taking care of the dust in between the suspension frame and the R 80 parts. I now saw the three rubber parts you are using. The R 80 suspension frame uses 4 springs at the corners. The table is put on a nonstop hard rubber band. of course the weight is a different one.

your construction looks very elegant.
pls. tell me what other mods you are planning.
Dear Halcro,
just had an idea. pls tell me if it is not working! What about a silver metal surrounding with nice looking slits for the ventilation, like in a helmet (many small slits)?
Yes....a valid point about RFI shielding?
I'm lucky my Victor is far from most of my electronics.....and I hear no hum or noise of any sort.
In fact it seems perhaps slightly quieter than with the 'cage'?
Dear Thuchan,
What about a silver metal surrounding with nice looking slits for the ventilation, like in a helmet (many small slits)?
This is not the look that I'm after.
A silver metal surround would hide the elegant stainless steel cradle which I have had built at some cost.
It would also dominate the turntable 'bulk' which is quite the opposite of what I now have?
If I really wanted to have a silver 'screen'.....I could just have had the black cage sprayed silver? :-)
Dear Lewm. That's a similar advise I gave to you time ago for your DP-80, remember?

I did it for my Denons DP-75/80, differences with the pictured ones were:

instead of metal " plinth " I used a 40Kg base of green marble and the other in beige Onyx ( both beautifull stones. ).The stone bases were seated on the pneumatic AT-616 and the stone base was used as tonearm board too ( no stand alone arm bases. ).

Now the Denon's were seated, through the TT top ring, in three very small delrin tip-toes like a top the stone bases.

IMHO damping is very important for this kind of set up and that's why I don't use it metal tip toes but delrin ones and pneumatic footers that were the set up foundation.

Works and looks amazing!

Maybe in the future I can try again because I have the marble/onyx bases, beautiful ones.

Regards and enjoy the music,