Dover - Been around since the Mycenae age - the 16th to 12th centuries BC. Had I been around at that time I would have used it in my first TT.
I believe that Mr JC Verdier took the concept of the Platine Vintage Granito from this period. He just improved on the remote motor a bit. It used to be a human pedaling back then trying to keep speed stability.
Granito is a material composed by little pieces of marble of very different origin agglomerated inside a mold with cement. Machined and polished. The resonance of the plinth with its suspension is about 5Hz and it is well absorbed by the air cavities."
Mr. JC Verdier
So there are different ways to go about this.
You can try to pass resonances through and hope it is one way. Or you can absorb them. The Platine has been scientifically analyzed, studied, and has passed the hardest test of all - time.
The way this Platine is made, I feel you could probably place it on any decent kitchen table and get good sound. My Verdier manual provides three options for installation. hard wearing furniture, wall mount, sandbox.
My Vintage Granito is on a solid maple platform which utilizes an elongated sandbox, on the concrete floor.
Not as pretty and "audiophile" as a vibraplane. But I don't have to worry about maintenance and adjustments due it going out of level and leaky bladders :^). I also don't feel a need to please other audiophiles....just myself. But I am my worst enemy. Glad I am a hobbyist and not in this business. Now with my other hobbies I can see getting into one of them on a business level later.