Yes the concept works. I used it in my first Home built TT, back in the late 70's. The idea was borrowed from an ancient Gyro testing table I saw at Air NZ. It had adjustable feet with wooden pads connecting the floor and one fixed cast iron foot. Cast in one piece into the chassis.
I asked my supervisor why?
His answer "to keep it still"
The table must have been 20 years old back then. Meaning the concept is at least 50 years old.
My comment about not truly working was around the " road block" probably not being absolute. There is likely some leakage thru the softer feet.
I asked my supervisor why?
His answer "to keep it still"
The table must have been 20 years old back then. Meaning the concept is at least 50 years old.
My comment about not truly working was around the " road block" probably not being absolute. There is likely some leakage thru the softer feet.