nuforce Ref 9 SE V3 vs wyred 4 sound STI 1000

Has anyone compared these two amps? I am not interested in comments on other amps. Just anyone who has A-B compared these two leading digital amps. Thank you.
Early NuForce amps had serious RFI problems that is, FM radio in the building could not play when someone turned on a NuForce amp. From what I understand, that problem was quickly 90% to 95% fixed by a design change but I wonder whether it was ever 100% fixed.

I'm testing a Wyred 4 Sound STI-500 integrated in my home and there is no RFI problem at all.

So I am left wondering whether class D is prone to RFI problems or merely some early implementations?

Have yet to hear the Wyred.

I had an RFI issue with my PS Audio HCA-2. A small Sony clock radio exhibited interference while the Parasound tuner, which was shelved just above the HCA-2, worked fine. After upgrading the AC wiring to my system the problem was solved. My initial version of the NuForce 9 Special Edition's and upgraded version 3 9SE's posed no RFI issues.

My system became less forward with a much deeper sound stage and simply more musical with the upgraded version 3 9SE's.
Art, interesting, which one do you prefer, the W4S STI-1000 or the Cary SLI80?
I am extremely impressed with the Wyred STI-500. Liquid, detailed, grain-free, powerful, lifelike, refined. Bear in that I'm using one of the original Lessloss power cables, which in my experience so far seem to make all amps sound a huge increment better.

Given that, I could keep the Wyred and be very happy. Period. I'm inclined to keep the Cary because it is a hint more lifelike, even that it's bass is sloppier. But this is a tough decision that requires soul-searching, and I've never had that experience with solid state before.

Again I need to emphasize that I am NOT separating the experience of the amp and the power cable. Would I have been happier with Plinius, Rowland, other solid state in the past with the Lessloss? I assume so, but don't know to what extent.

In the past, solid state amps always sounded grainy to me, even expensive ones. The other exception is my recent testing of the Ayre integrated, which sounded very lovely, but lacked the power I need (and does not come in black!).

I ended up purchasing a Wyred for sound st-1000 and like Artmlatman use it with a lessloss cord. I am very happy with the results.