Nuvista Tubes - General

May I have opinions please on the pluses and minuses of Nuvista tubes versus vacuum tubes? Supposedly and from the basic homework I've done, Nuvista tubes purportedly offer high reliability, low microphony, low noise, consistency, and small size compared to their vacuum counterparts. So what's the down side? 
and is not at all "syrupy." Pretty good for a metal encased micro-tube.
That's because it's got a transistor buffer after the Nuvista to drive the outside world with, without it it'd be "syrupy" if the Nuvista had to do the job.

Cheers George   
George ... then what's the point of a hybrid design if the transistor buffer controls sound quality?
what's the point of a hybrid design

Sales pitch, to make one believe there's a a romantic/euphonic side to it. as the tubes are in between the s/s I/V stage and output buffer and serves no purpose, but a sales pitch.

Cheers George 
Sales pitch, to make one believe there’s a a romantic/euphonic side to it. as the tubes are in between the s/s I/V stage and output buffer and serves no purpose, but a sales pitch.

Then perhaps I should stay with my M6si which I’m happy and content with, and when/if the time comes to "upgrade" look/think elsewhere than the MF line. Not to mention the fact that the Nuvista 600 is another five grand more (MSRP) than the M6si.


George, is your statement about a hybrid being a "sales pitch" in your opinion specific to MF, or in general and applicable to any hybrid amp manufacturer?

This is old stuff gd.
Right. I'm pretty sure there was a recent thread though here on the forum quoting Nelson Pass as to his thoughts on amplifier evolution. If I'm not mistaken it is somewhat at an impasse. To that end a fellow (Roger) from HCAT chimed in with a new (purportedly) design that many folks here poo-pooed for various reasons. The posts got rather argumentative and the thread was subsequently deleted.

I'm not all that interested in class D. If anything I'd go class A, tubes or a hybrid. Anything "new" in that realm?