NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers

Not sure how you segued from me correcting the fact that it was Bruce Lee’s son Brandon who was killed on set not Bruce Lee to Donald Trump? Perhaps you thought I was referencing a current meme? I was not. I was just pointing out a factual error that is of significance to me.
BTW, all this political BS (regardless of the side) is beyond tedious.
I also see that you decided to insult me by altering my moniker because I chose to correct a factual error. Mighty mature of you. But it’s my mistake for bothering to post here. Mea Culpa.

I’m out.

Hey woodsage, my bad for being in a huff over the preceding stuff. I missed that you only corrected the name and not out of spite for union members and for that, I apologize. I'm sure you a great carpenter (from the moniker) and not a big squirrel fan.
Mea bigga Culpa.

All the best,
No I asked if union people were on set when Brandon Lee was accidentally shot. You never answered. It wasnt a disparagment it was a question. It was you that made the assumption that the lack of union people on set contributed to this recent accident. Unions, sacred cows and major contributors to the (not alt) left. 

He cant help himself as if suffering from a disease. How he read anything into your post beyond the correction is a mystery to me. Guess he got a bit emotional.
Having union crews on a set where someone got killed has nothing really to do when comparing someone being killed on a non union set. Comparisons like that are food for folly. 

I seen people run stop signs and not hit anyone and seen others stop and still get hit. Should we get rid of stop signs?

Union sets have much stricter standards and despite that, accidents do happen. This recent one was a killing in the making with two separate incidents from the same armorer days earlier in the shoot, which had the union camera operators walk off the set for safety concerns.

Unions are not sacred cows. My goodness. Do you view the common person striving for better working conditions as that?

All the best,