We never listen to a SINGLE component...
We listen to a chain of events on different scale...
Then the set of measures which can make good design sound good exist yes, i never contested that, but nobody listen to an amplifier disconnected from a room /house/ system and without his own ears biases...
Then .....
The matter under discussion here is the objective/subjective rabbit hole...
It is a rabbit hole when subjectivist and objectivist are alone each one on their side...Not so much when we try to understand why two equal measured design components can be identified different indeed by listening alone, it is then a psycho-acoustic problem not a mere electronical problem...
It can be deceptive illusion yes, or it can be a more subtle perception linked to other factors than the measured design itself , which factors that this well measured design dont encompass or dont control... Than this question is way more complex than your simplistic alternatives yes or no, which is a challenge you tailor made to subjectivist hard core audiophiles here to put them in a corner...But i am not one of them...Neither a measuring zealots negating hearing experiments value .... Measuring the right things is way more complex that usually think anyway but being a scientist you know that already and better than me...
I understand that you dont like my observations but they are related to the matter of this thread anyway...
But i agree about my too numerous use of many words and i apologize.... But it is an another matter...
Stop to reduce psycho-acoustic problems to tool design or to amplifier design only... 😁😊
My deepest respect for you....In spite of my annoying posts...
More paragraphs. More ignoring the singular issue which is not even in the least bit complex. Either the two equal measuring components can be identified as different through listening alone or not. Stop complicating a ham sandwich. This is not a philosophical question