Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?

I've been listening to some Ocellia interconnects now and am just amazed at their naturalness and tonality. They have great detail and sound staging. Would be intested in hearing from others who have any experience with this line?
@ Charles1, are you involved with Ocellia? It seems to me that you and the HiDimond guy sound like bosom buddies! Sabai, you should really get paid for all the advertising you throw on the wall.
This is what gets me on these forums.
Vicks cracks me up because he is dead on! Another cable thread, another Sabai (or any of the other names the guy's got going!) comment about HIS cables! Give me a break!
This thread is about another brand so they are trying to hi-jack it!
Ebm, you are BANG ON! Nobody's heard of many of these brands unless you are an audio geek or some sort of HiFi nerd!!
Your post makes no sense at all. This is a thread about Ocellia and I happen to own their Reference cable and am pleased with it.I`m impressed with it and my former ASI liveline and was responding to Knghifi`s comment about the 6 Moons review that compared these two cable looms.

Just because they`re small companies with a low profile does`nt mean these products can`t be exceptional(which they are).There are bigger brand name(by high end standards)) products that can be rather underwhelming.The size of a company has no correlation with it`s quality level.
Doremifasol, Charles1dad is just trying to help and I appreciate his input. I doubt he's involved with Ocellia. :-)
@ Knghifi: But from your answer mate, I gather you don't totally disagree with me about this Sabai chap who keeps going on and on about his HD cables?
Kinda getting monotonous to hear how great cables are from the same 3 or 4 chaps isn't it? Bit of a circle jerk ain't it?
Hey Charles, no worries, I was just asking if you were pretending to be an end-user like that other guy does! If you aren't, I apologize for the question. If you are, well, then you are in the same boat as others on this forums.
What we need is a torpedo to get rid of THOSE guys!
Doremifasol,I`m just a very happy Ocellia customer that`s all.I`ve posted far more often on audiogon about my Coincident 300b SET amp and Statement linestage.When I find truly fabulous components that convey the emotion of music I like to share my joy and inform others who may possibly be interested.Nothing more or less.