Ohm Walsh 2000 vs MMG vs Vandersteen 2ce Sig?

Ohm Walsh 2000 versus Magneplanar MMG versus Vandersteen 2ce Signature II? How does they compare with respect to speed, dynamics, tonality, texture, detail, tranparency, extension and sound stage?
Obviously I can't say that the Vandy's weren't set up right or in an inappropriate room, but, I have heard them sound as you've suggested under such conditions. Now, they may just provide the sound you first heard elsewhere, but you might want to consider another audition somewhere else before writing them off. Based upon your opinion of the Vandy's so far, I'd suggest you consider Thiels. IMO, you have to move up the Maggie line to compete with the Vandy's 2's, i.e. Maggie 3 series.
I'm a little confused, and I confess I'm not up on the latest models, which Magnepans are you referring to? MMGs would seem to be the latest version of the old SMG & SMGa models... if so, I think it's a bit odd to be comparing $500 planars with two $2500 boxed speakers! I'll assume you mean MG3.3s or similar.
Over the years I've had SMGa, Timpani 1d, MGII, and MGIIIa Maggies, as well as Ohm Walsh models ,3,& 4. No long term experience with Vandersteens, but I have listened to them quite a bit in other system. My feelings for Ohms is very strong, that's why I've been through so many (and still have a pair of 2s), but the do have one irritating characteristic... they have a relatively limited volume window where the dome tweeter, walsh mid, and ported bass gel. At low volumes they sound lifeless, at (very) high levels they can get a bit strident & loose coherence. At medium high listening levels (where I do tend to listen most) they are FANTASTIC! But try as I might, with all manner of equipment driving them, I still find it annoying to have the speakers sound so "dull" at low to moderate levels.
As for Maggies, I think they are the best bang for the buck in high end sound... IF you like panel speakers (I do - my main system is Quad ESL63 based).
Vandersteens have always struck me as very fine "conventional" speakers, perhaps as good of deal as Maggies, just with a different (read more dynamic) sound.

I don't know if this helps any in your choice, but that's what I've found between the three "contenders" you asked about.
