Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection

Now I have F's with rotten surrounds, but rest look nice, perfect even. Cones, spiders look great. 

One surround is done, decimated.  Other is intact, perhaps replacement as is not identical. 

Perhaps I try replacing surround? 
Any new and improved surround options? Willing to replace/ get repaired more, if necessary.  

Cursory search doesn't reveal any drop in replacement.  Or, am I wrong? I see the Ohm return/upgrade to newer version options. 

Experienced and insider opinions sought. I'm not cheap, and I'll spend the money to obtain the exceptional if needed. So, what are the likely and less likely options   TIA
What is that one "clone", HHR? Need to check...  i heard it at a show years ago. 
Post removed 
I agree with mapman. If it is 7-8 grand for new drivers from Dale, I'd have gone for it before. Maybe it's worth a call to Dale even now. I still have the F cabinets.
This is not an equivalent to the new, HHR Exotic version TLS-1. I was told directly by Dale that there are dozens, literally, of changes to the new design. So, don't think you would get the new one for half price; you won't. There are aspects of the refurb that are not on the level of the HHR Exotic version. 

Still, were I in the market for a speaker change, I might do it. I was also considering a review of the new version, but he said he cannot afford to build for review; he only builds for orders. I understand that when it's a small shop and custom product. So, there's no review coming; sorry. I think it would make for a compelling article, something quite different, but not all review ideas work out between the needs of the manufacturer and the reviewer. This is one of the difficulties of smaller businesses with exquisite products. 

I think the upgrade to the F is a great option, so sure, talk to Dale! 

 There is always more to explore!  :) 
I don’t know how Dale works but maybe the drivers can be done and sent and then user installs them to avoid shipping large heavy cabs.  I know in many cases Ohm is able to do repairs and upgrades that way.

My F5s came in 3 cartons per speaker. One for the refurbed F cabinets, one for the driver, and one for the grille cover.

Connection was a snap and drivers attached to cabs with wing nuts.
You’re getting into details that are best pivoted toward Dale. :)

Time to head downstairs and continue work with another amazing speaker - something you guys probably have not encountered prior.  :)  You'll have to watch for the review, not immediate.