Update: Vinyl! Finally tried some vinyl on the 2000s this weekend. I have an original VG+ Fredereick Fennel conducting a Cole Porter song book, a Mercury Living Presence Wilma Cozart (pre-Fine) production. Sound was very good, very clear, and again, with marvelously true-sounding timbre. So far, truth of timbre seems to be the Walsh 2000's strongest attribute, followed closely by detail retrieval. Even on a mono copy of "Invitation to the Dance", sound was spacious and full (although of course not as widely-staged as stereo LPs). Perez Prado - "Prez" in RCA Living Stereo (older pressing but not a shaded dog), was dynamic and exciting, with great horn sound - not too edgy, but plenty of bite and blat. Drums were especially realistic on this LP. An Isaac Stern Mozart recording from the 1970's was less appealing, but I am guessing it was the LP, which seemed to have a miniaturized soundstage.
I then played a few cuts from some Sheryl Crow CDs that would give me trouble on the Vandersteens. Especially "Safe and Sound" - a terrific song, btw - would sound very congested and pinched during the louder passages toward the end of the track. The 2000s passed this test very well, pushing Crow's voice back in the mix a bit relative to the Vandersteens. Not necessarily better, but different, and this allowed the band to be heard more clearly. Soundstage on this cut should, and did, extend into the room. The producer uses phase to make some of the sound sound like it is coming right out of your ears. I heard this with the 2000s, but to a slightly lesser degree than the Vandersteens, which was a bit of a surprise. But the greatly reduced sence of congestion and pinchiness during the louder passages was a real home run.
I am expecting the support pads from Ohm soon. Once in place, these should stabilize the 2000s on my uneven floor, and I can revisit some of the tunes I've played.
I still haven't tried them without the subs, or dialed-in the subs for the 2000s, but I will. Just need time!
Rebbi - I use a Conrad-Johnson PV-11 w/phono I got here on the 'gon a few years ago for $800. I am very happy with this unit, and it will probably be in my rack for a long time. Keep an eye out for one if you are thinking of separates.
I then played a few cuts from some Sheryl Crow CDs that would give me trouble on the Vandersteens. Especially "Safe and Sound" - a terrific song, btw - would sound very congested and pinched during the louder passages toward the end of the track. The 2000s passed this test very well, pushing Crow's voice back in the mix a bit relative to the Vandersteens. Not necessarily better, but different, and this allowed the band to be heard more clearly. Soundstage on this cut should, and did, extend into the room. The producer uses phase to make some of the sound sound like it is coming right out of your ears. I heard this with the 2000s, but to a slightly lesser degree than the Vandersteens, which was a bit of a surprise. But the greatly reduced sence of congestion and pinchiness during the louder passages was a real home run.
I am expecting the support pads from Ohm soon. Once in place, these should stabilize the 2000s on my uneven floor, and I can revisit some of the tunes I've played.
I still haven't tried them without the subs, or dialed-in the subs for the 2000s, but I will. Just need time!
Rebbi - I use a Conrad-Johnson PV-11 w/phono I got here on the 'gon a few years ago for $800. I am very happy with this unit, and it will probably be in my rack for a long time. Keep an eye out for one if you are thinking of separates.