They. Are. Here. Black 300-5000's.
First bit. I do not possess the degree advanced enough that would allow me to repack these puppies, so I hope they work out. Nice UPS guy, but I'm very glad these things come packed as they do. It really is Russian nesting dolls.
Second, HUGE sound stage, but can't get the middle locked right now. I know I have some work to do. I know the sound will change as they break in, but I don't think the presentation will change very much. I could be wrong there.
Speakers are in a fairly dead room, with 3/16 felt, in undulating waves, to 25 feet from the front wall, room is 31 feet deep total. Right speak is 3 feet from right wall and 7 from front. Left is 2 feet from left wall and 4 from front, due to equipment rack behind it. Speaks are 7 feet apart and ten feet to where my head is when I listen. All measurements are within a couple of inches either way of stated, to speaker center. Oh, there is a 65' DLP between them, flush with the rear of the speakers.
Tough room, eh?
So... Get rid of waves in the felt for some more reflectivity? Speakers wider? Me further? More of an equilateral triangle? Speakers more in front of TV to bounce sound? Maybe some more time to acclimate?
Wow, listening to Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, original movie, new recording by the Prague Philharmonic. If you guys don't know this, you must try it.
I think I'm going to like these!
First bit. I do not possess the degree advanced enough that would allow me to repack these puppies, so I hope they work out. Nice UPS guy, but I'm very glad these things come packed as they do. It really is Russian nesting dolls.
Second, HUGE sound stage, but can't get the middle locked right now. I know I have some work to do. I know the sound will change as they break in, but I don't think the presentation will change very much. I could be wrong there.
Speakers are in a fairly dead room, with 3/16 felt, in undulating waves, to 25 feet from the front wall, room is 31 feet deep total. Right speak is 3 feet from right wall and 7 from front. Left is 2 feet from left wall and 4 from front, due to equipment rack behind it. Speaks are 7 feet apart and ten feet to where my head is when I listen. All measurements are within a couple of inches either way of stated, to speaker center. Oh, there is a 65' DLP between them, flush with the rear of the speakers.
Tough room, eh?
So... Get rid of waves in the felt for some more reflectivity? Speakers wider? Me further? More of an equilateral triangle? Speakers more in front of TV to bounce sound? Maybe some more time to acclimate?
Wow, listening to Conan the Barbarian soundtrack, original movie, new recording by the Prague Philharmonic. If you guys don't know this, you must try it.
I think I'm going to like these!