OK...Added 2 HSU ULS-15Mk2 subwoofers To My System

After unboxing , I put one next to each speaker on the outside edge just to get started.
Followed the directions to get a base point on adjustments and then I listened to a couple of very familiar  Lp`s

I found that these subs are VERY distracting.....In a good way 
Naturally (at least to me) when someone adds a couple of 15" subs to a setup they have a tendency to focus their attention on bass and all that.
But I was hearing  many new sounds and DETAIL too that I had never picked up on before.
These sounds are not 'bass territory'... how does a Triangle image so much further out to the side now ?  

The next morning I dragged my Adcom 575 CD player from the garage system and powered up the subs only and put the RHCP`s Californication on repeat for about 12 hours or so.

Then did the crawl and moved the subs around and listened on and off over a week or so and then did another crawl and made changes to the settings on the subs too.
Getting better for sure. I think HSU recommends 30 hours for break in.

So far I absolutely love these HSU subs for what they are doing for my music !

I`m also finding that the numeric volume display on the Tortuga Preamp is down a bunch from my usual levels.

So, I now have 3 15" sealed subs in the room, the HSU`s and my Revel Ultima 15

Lindsey Stirling's` Shatter Me' has never sounded so good !

I understand they don't know what they don't know, but I thought more members would be adventurous and daring enough to at least give it a try. Oh well, I guess a lack of adventure and ambition results in a lack of very good bass resolution and a lack of daring results in the apparent lack of caring about the absence of high quality bass performance.

As I'm sure you know, this was all new to me a year ago. Its almost exactly one year now, maybe a little more, I first learned about DBA right here from you and Duke.

Back then I was just like everyone else, maybe a little better understanding of room modes and acoustics but like everyone else stuck in the one sub rut. Only real difference being I had tried hard enough to know one sub cannot work, not the way we want it to anyway, and given up. All the evidence seemed to say its impossible. By that I mean not only that one sub cannot work, but that there was no solution. I was convinced and had resigned myself to this. 

So there was probably not a tougher customer than me. 

And yet, when Duke congratulated me on having the faith, or however he put it, to do this, as nice as he is I had to set him straight. It wasn't a matter of faith. There was no faith- or daring, nor risk, or doubt. Because the situation- the physics and the psychoacoustics- had been so beautifully explained by guys like you and Duke, and Geddes, et al. 

You guys put it all right here on this site. Sitting right there for the taking. And take I did! Read it all. Then went and built it. Because boy did I have the desire. Or as you put it, care about the absence of high quality bass performance. It had been in my estimation the weakest aspect of an otherwise compelling and very satisfying system. 

Which in one fell swoop went from weakest link to arguably the strongest. In a system that over the same year improved immeasurably across the board. That is huge. Transformative. All thanks to you guys. Well, okay, and a little initiative on my part. But I couldn't have done it without you.

Hello millercarbon,

     I remember you as being very interested in improving the bass performance in your system and room.  But also a bit frustrated with the sub solutions you had tried up to that point.
     I think you deserve credit for having an open mind, understanding well what Duke, myself and others were stating about how and why the 4-sub DBA concept was so effective and doing your own homework online about the principles underlying the concept.  You also had an adventurous spirit to not only give it a try, but you had the knowledge, ambition and wherewithal to go even further and build your own custom 4-sub DBA with upgraded drivers.
     Sure, you had a bit of help but, from my perspective, you deserve most of the credit for your own success and you earned the extremely good bass performance you can now enjoy daily for a lifetime.  I think it's also admirable that you're also now a very good advocate of the DBA concept and you consistently and constructively help others improve their in-room bass performance by sharing your knowledge and experience with the concept

Congrats and enjoy,
. b_limo ..Thanks. I think if you added a sub/subs it would be one of those 'Why didn`t I do it sooner ' type things :) 

erik_squires ..I can see why. I actually had a HSU sub years ago that I sold to my buddy and he`s been using it ever since.

213runnin ..Very musical and the best sub out there for the money comment is heard a lot. Thanks

noble100 ...Thanks Tim. I agree across the board. My buddy who I sold my HSU sub to years ago came over to hear the new subs Tuesday night.
He and his wife are audiophiles also. I filled him in on what I was hearing before putting anything on. He`s a bit of a skeptic though.

He went over to the rack and pulled a couple LP`s that he wanted to hear.

The first cut wasn`t even over before he was saying things like "Did you just hear that ?!"  
It wasn`t anything special..Tracy Chapman I think.
After the listening session was over he said it was the best $1700 improvement he`s ever heard !
He left a believer now too.

bdp24 ...You know it and I`m on board with your observation 110%

millercarbon ..Cool read Chuck ! Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks for the reply`s guys

Tracy Chapman is one of many records that has all kinds of unexpected little low bass treasures. Most common is when the bass player slides off the note at the end. There's a music term for this for sure but its like they slide their finger off at the end so the note trails off and at the same time its dying out its diving deep into subterranean bass. Without the subs it sounds like the note just goes a little deeper as it fades off but with the DBA even faint low bass is so clear you feel that and its freaking impressive. 

Everybody with a sub thinks they know what I'm talking about but only us guys with DBA really know, as I'm sure you now know very well yourself.