OK, best speakers for 2500 USED......

That would be about $5000 new. I am running a BAT VK-200 amp, a BAT pre (yet to be purchased). I value an engaging musical quality, 3-D imaging, "speed", like the voice is in the room, jumping out at you. Let the suggestions begin......thanks, this board is great, I have learned a lot about high end......Mark
Vienna Accoustic Beethovens. I've had the combo you speak of(including the VKD5). It's great together!
Easy, the Audio Physic Virgos. One of the truly great speakers. Listen before you buy anything else. Good luck.

I'll second the Vienna Acoustic Beethovens. I also like the Silverline Sonatina II's in this price range. I bought the Beethoven's, but the Sonatina's were very, very close second.