Ok, but does your audio gear have rotons (metamaterials)?

Not yet. But get ready for the LS50 Meta Meta.

"A group of researchers is working on metamaterials that "grow" rotons. Metamaterials exhibit optical, acoustic, electrical, or magnetic properties that are not found in nature.…Thus, it might be possible in the future to better manipulate sound waves in air or in materials, for example, to bounce them back, redirect them, or create echoes. These materials have not been demonstrated experimentally yet; however, it should be possible to produce them by using technologies such as ultra-precise 3D laser printing." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210610135559.htm
     I'm afraid to touch that last rambling, for fear of screwing up something (story of my life).    
      About those particles/photons: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/something-from-nothing-vacuum-can-yield-flashes-of-light/....
     Even Aristotle new, way back in his day: nature abhors a vacuum!  
     If anyone questions what all the previous rhetoric has to do with the original post: what's mentioned in it, is based on experiments with Quantum Mechanics, which some quickly began shading.    
     LOL!    Actually: I DO (on DVD)!
     OH, and use a REALLY small comb (those are nano-sized critters, that you think you, "got").
The energy doesn't go anywhere it's still right here in the universe. Hence the second law of thermodynamics. Energy is not created nor destroyed all that was in the universe in the beginning will be here at the end as random motion of atoms, complete entropy. Jesus what a rambling pile of  metaphysical crap.
    Nice food for thought there @rodman99999 . Passing onto another dimension instead of flat out disappearing gives me some solace. Maybe that bright light that's purported to be seen at our passing is just the tiniest of wormholes meant to accommodate our next move.
    Maybe only certain bodies can accommodate certain energies and all matter holds all energies, with ours being one of the highest orders of energies. 
     Animating these bodies is just the way things are done.

All the best,