Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's

Okay, I actually purchased the Magnepan 3.6's; now it's amp research time! Temporarily running them with my 22 year old NAD 2200PE (don't laugh, it still works!)...and they sound decent in my 17 x 26 room. However as it has been said before, 'Scotty, I need MORE POWER!'...

After some feedback on the Parasound and big Macs, I have been leaning more towards one of the Pass Labs. (Good deals abound on used ones)... So, which way to go? These look very promising:

or even the XA60.5 (Pricey!!!)...

Thoughts and recommendations? Also, safe to run a tube preamp in front of these?
What about the Atmasphere's - 200 watt tubes. Match made in Maggie Heaven.
Anyone heard the 3.6´s with ARC Ref210, VTL 450 sII or the Lamm hybrids M2.1Ref/M2.2?
Everyone has different ears, so what some like others detest. I only say this as in my journey through a few amps driving my 3.6s, I found the Audio Research 150.2 to just lack a little punch and for me, McIntosh MC501s are my nirvana.

I never tested the 402, and your ears tell you what you like, but there are many Maggie owners who love McIntosh and the same number who don't find them attractive.

Good luck, btw Mye stands are the best and cheapest tweak know to Maggie users (I have NO relationship with Grant Mye, I am just a big fan of his stands!).
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