I too think a lot of the older gear was great stuff! Much of which probably can't be (or isn't) duplicated today in pure listening pleasure.
I think that's is the HUGE challenge most of us face... How to build a great system on limited funds. I feel like A LOT of the new stuff is WAY overpriced. Some of it may be great, but I think a lot of it is overpriced, over hyped and probably not any better than some of the good stuff made 10, 20, 40 years ago.
I think that's is the HUGE challenge most of us face... How to build a great system on limited funds. I feel like A LOT of the new stuff is WAY overpriced. Some of it may be great, but I think a lot of it is overpriced, over hyped and probably not any better than some of the good stuff made 10, 20, 40 years ago.