Old Amp vs. New Amp

Hi All!

I'm in search of a new amplifier and I am looking at new amps as well as older used amps.  There is some really great older gear out there for very reasonable prices, and of course the new stuff is considerably more expensive.

Is newer stuff really any better than some of the great older gear from the 90's and early 00's?

I too think a lot of the older gear was great stuff!  Much of which probably can't be (or isn't) duplicated today in pure listening pleasure.

I think that's is the HUGE challenge most of us face...  How to build a great system on limited funds.  I feel like A LOT of the new stuff is WAY overpriced.  Some of it may be great, but I think a lot of it is overpriced, over hyped and probably not any better than some of the good stuff made 10, 20, 40 years ago.
Lots of new and slightly used stuff is inexpensive if you have the patience to look around. Ebay and Audiogon listings can be your friend.
Ha, good one Wolf! I love the Fender Deluxe, probably my all-time favorite guitar amp. Dwight Twilley's guitarist Bill Pitcock plugged (R.I.P., lung cancer) his Gibson 335 into a pair of them, with an MXR digital delay between the two, to get his signature sound. Evan Johns plugs his Tele into a blackface Deluxe Reverb, cranked to 10, though when I recorded with him the studio provided him with a blackface Super Reverb, which he also played on 10. Damn that was loud! But in a good way, unlike the nasty Twin Reverb, which I really dislike. A Strat into a Twin is my idea of Hell on Earth.

Jafant, I am glad you asked what I have, and not what I had. CJ "Was" my favorite high end name, I own a PV-10, and a PV-12.

The PV-10A is up and running, it's probably the best buy in all of the high end. The PV-12 needs repair, but it wont get it; I decided CJ repair was too high, and consulted a shop in Canada; he told me that CJ parts were too expensive, and his advice was to forget it. CJ is history for me.
he told me that CJ parts were too expensive, and his advice was to forget it. CJ is history for me. 

I don't buy that.
you may send me a pm if you would like one more option.