This is a genuinely helpful group. Thx to all.
Older B&w 805 (N or S) vs new 705 S3
- Intrigued by all the positive reviews for 705 S2, would I be better served buying older technology from a superior product category 805 n,s,d... if net price point is less than or equal to the newer 705 S2. My equip is not audiophile but mid scale acceptable and older ( Yamaha Rx/vr800, b&w 685 and Pioneer elite Andrew Jones.2 way, Mission 702, ADS 780/2 (arriving this week), Paradigm 12” sub and cabling unknown but braided, a small Schita phono stage and Audio Engine B-1 Bluetooth and Project Debut with Ortofon red. Any candid insight is welcomed. I really do not want to spend more than $2k max for speakers. Was also considering a more cost effective CM6 S2. I just want more substantial presence to what I am listening to.
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