older hi-end tube tv recommendations.....and hdtv.

ANybody using an older hi-end sony or otherwise tube tv with hdtv signal? Just curious....what was the pixel count on these older tvs? 480p? anything higher? how is this picture quality?
A correction to my post above: The newer 34" Sony I referred to is the KD-34XBR960, which is identical to the -34XS955 (I think) just more recent model by 1 year. Good luck!
I own the Loewe tube tv Swampwalker speaks of (it's a 38" and called the 'Aconda'). It does do high-def- I believe 1080i, but what I like about it that it is the best 'double-duty' set I have yet seen- that is, fabulous regular def, along with super high-def. In fact the regular def (if you need it) is much better than any plasmas or LCD's that I have seen. Most of what we watch is still regular def, but that will change over time as more cable channels go to hd- it has been a perfect compromise for the last few years- HIGHLY recommended as a 'crossover' set..
I have the Loewe Aconda 38" and agree with what has been said: best TV on reg def as well as high def. Mine has had zero problems since I bought it in 2001. Full 1081/960i capable. Heavy 220 lbs. I love it as much as the day I purchased it.
GReat to hear that the Loewe Aconda displays SD well. The only complaint I have (which is significant) is that the Loewe 30" 16:9 Planus that I own is NOT GREAT w an SD signal. It makes standard DVDs look fantastic w its built in de-interlacer via component in, but it was built just as the transition to DTV was starting here in the US and is a bit of "bastard child". Of course, the other problem is that AFAIK, Loewe has gotten out of the consumer TV market in the U.S. And they are not only heavy but VERY clumsy to handle. OTOH, you cannot beat its PQ for watching movies. Properly set up, the black levels beat the pants off LCD and are better than plasma as well.