On the fence about Vinyl need a good phono stage for A/B testing

Got myself Rega P6, but humm I am not so sure if I want to listen to Vinyl over lossless audio. I have SET tube amp and thinking if I have to get tube phono stage or a good SS will suffice. The speakers will be Legacy Aeris. 

I am thinking ti try out Project Tube Box DS2 but guessing if I should I go all out with Luxman EQ-500 or be rational and settle for Parasound JC3+.

The signal chain will be Rega P6 with Ortofon Bronze -> Phono Stage -> Legacy Wavelet processor -> Line Magnetic 508ia -> Legacy Aeris.

Any advice is helpful.

@luxmancl38, Where can I find Luxman CL38U-SE ?. I am only able to find Luxman CL38uC ?.
Again I 2nd, 3rd the GoldNote PH10 read all the reviews, there's like 10+
If it was just one or two but so many have praised this little gem you should at least see if you can hear one. If I remember Positive Feedback reviewed it 3 times in a VERY short time

I went and got myself an used BAT VK-P10SE SuperPak. Going to use the saved coin to upgrade the cartridge and get some good vinyl!.

Down the line I plan to get the Luxman CL38U-SE  / EQ-500 and do some A/B testing with a good cartridge and see if I can actually hear some difference given all things being equal.

Thanks everyone.
Audio Video Therapy in Nashua NH has one left. Phone is 603-888-9777. They are open Tuesday through Sunday. They carry a big selection of Luxman gear. Just ask for John Rein.