Amazing band! Al Anderson is one of my singer/songwriter/guitarists ever. Joey’s got a younger brother named Johnny who’s an incredible singer/songwriter and guitar player - he played with the Incredible Casuals up in Cape Cod. NRBQ has one unheard of hit after another.
One of my favorite bands, one that many have never heard.
Let’s remedy that right now. Here’s NRBQ on TV performing their version of the Rockabilly song "I’ve Got A Rocket In My Pocket), recorded by Jimmy Lloyd Logsdon (think he’s from the South?) in 1958:
By the way, bassist/singer/songwriter Joey Spampinato is Keith Richards’ favorite bassist. He offered him the job of replacing Bill Wyman when Bill quit The Stones, and Joey turned him down! He DID accept the job of playing in the band Keith assembled to back Chuck Berry in the live performance seen in the movie he made about him.
Pianist/singer/songwriter Terry Adams is obviously no "normal" keyboard player. Along with all the Rock ’n’ Roll guys, his influences also include the likes of Sun Ra and Thelonious Monk. A great live peformer!
And here’s the studio recording of the song by one of my favorite singers, Lou Ann Barton: