One of the coolest articles on sound and vibration I can recall having read

Steve Deckert over at Decware recently came up with a great read:
Very interesting Ivan, and great! Related to harmonic fifths is the circle of 5ths, as established by J.S. Bach in the 18th Century. In a video on You Tube, Leonard Bernstein explains and demonstrates musical theory, culminating in the 5ths. Highly recommended!---Eric.
Leaving the concept of deity aside as a factor, a most interesting article. I wish I could follow the math better but the commonality of recurring fifths throughout, down from a fractal level and up to a galactic one, reminds me of a giant clock, orderly to a unprecedented degree, and we are all a part/product of it due to it's design and influence, which would explain how we compose music and the satisfaction we derive from it. We're repeating and reinforcing what is, down to a molecular level, ourselves.

Or something like that. :-)

All the best,

It seems whenever on those occasions I happen to find myself trying to examine some ancient historical context, what comes back at me time and again is just how much the ancients may indeed have been aware of (on their own I mean, without the help of UFO's), how much they may have actually known or how much they were able to accomplish by that knowledge - much of which that may have since, in turn, become lost to us somewhere down through the ages...and that generally we (in our instant-microwave existence) continue to blithely fail to comprehend the ancients themselves as anything but limited by the fact that they didn't have computers, modern science or that they had no social media, netflix or whatever. There's something refreshingly restorative and connective in being able to glimpse, now and again at least, that the "wisdom of the ancients" was often just that - wisdom. Heretofore unknown levels of ancient science that predate the establishment of the scientific method - always fascinating stuff.  A shout out to Mr Deckert for bringing it to our attention.

BTW, the impact of quantum physics on our lives is growing beyond the bounds of electricity and the cosmos - even opening new fields of study of how the human body may actually work (quantum biomechanics). And incidentally, doctors now say that there appears to be an actual "music center" in the brain, located midway between the centers of auditory and speech. 

Erik, I will definitely check out what Mr Bernstein has to say, thanks!

Nonoise, I, too, definitely had, while reading, the feeling of the giant clock! 


Interesting, but there's a bunch of numerology type stuff in the beginning that really has no support for being apriori. A minute could just have easily been broken up into 30 chunks. Or 100. The claim that the great year is the basis for all of our time then dividing it by a number he chose as significant is meaningless until he adds all the meaning..

@ivan_nosnibor did you ever read erehwon by Samuel Butler?