one short and one long speaker cable work?

moving! new equipment arrangement requires one 2 meter speaker cable and one 6 meter cable. I have acquired a pair of AudioQuest Aspen speaker cables 19' each. should I chop one off where I need it and attach the other at 19'??
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Then it would be out of phase. And, you know how my delicate ears hate that.
I think Geoff is saying the sound between the two cables will be inperceivable. A typical speaker cable with low impedance will not have an audible difference between such short lengths. 

Keep your cables as is and dont coil them.

You could always go to a local hardware store and pick up 8M of wire and cut it into a 2M and 6M lengths and try to hear a difference between your AQ's at equal length. Listen for imaging and soundstage not the differences in tonality.