Been in your shoes, and ended up with the 3910!! NOTHING COMES CLOSE in its price range... I had an old sony, and started auditioning several players, and ended up with a shootout between the 59avi and 3910. In the store we tried it against a Pioneer Elite plasma, and a Sony XBR lcd RPTV...the clear winner in Picture Quality was the 3910! Much more details, less noise, very film-like. The 59avi did have more vibrant colors. Audiowise, we hooked it up to some Monitor Audios, and it wasnt even close...the 3910 was in a different league! This is my first Denon, and I must say I am impressed. Another thing to consider is obvioulsy the build quality...the 59avi looks like a little flemsy toy compared to the 3910.
Macroblocking occurs in certain displays I know, but not it mine, and I rather have a little MB than obvious Jaggies and some CUE problems as in the 59avi (see for details).
I had heard a lot of good reviews on the SP1000, so I got one from my dealer and broght it make a long story short, the PQ was not quite as good as the 3910, but the audio was slightly, VERY slightly, better. But, in my opinion, not worht the extra $$, so that sealed it for me.....the 3910 it is.
If you end up with the 59avi or SP1000, I think you will be very happy as well....both are EXCELLENT players, but you should definitely try out the 3910!! I will bet you a soda it will beat them both overall when you try it. Oh, and believe me, ALL players have problems people have reported...just that more people have denons, and thus, it seems as if it has more problems.
if you want more info, let me know....enjoy which ever player you end up with