Opinion - Every audiophile should build at least 1 pair of speakers

I think everyone who does this, even just once, would be forever changed and become an improved music listener as well as equipment hobbyist.

Whether you build a single driver speaker like the LM-1S or the 2-way desktop LM-1 (designs are free) or any other kit from

I think you would find yourself with very different biases and understanding of how parts interact, how drivers work, and how much a good pair of speakers should cost, and most likely you would have a different opinion about what a good speaker sounds like.

Would you build world reference speakers for $50 a pair? Not likely at all, but when I see audiophiles argue over thousands of dollars in speaker cables and interconnects, I think to myself, their opinions and biases about where to spend their time and money would be forever changed if they built but a single pair of speakers.

Also, of course, building speakers is fun as hell, and a great project to introduce kids to electronics. Especially girls, we need more girls who grow up to be speaker makers, amp designers and audiophiles!



Next time think twice when searching even for ... footers.
First you start by modifying the cheap parts, 
(internal wire, caps, inductors, binding posts)
Then you realize that with all these obvious compromises you should have done a much better clone instead of buying it ....

You may get the virus when purchasing a vintage TT.
It is so simple.
It is quite impossible to resist upon a TT plinth, a  PSU for TT using LT regulator boards already assembled,  the Belden 1800F for internal hook-up wiring, and wait ... what if  ... DIY interconnects with the rest using the KLEI Absolute Harmony? 
WTF? How come to overachieve my $$$ SOTA cables ?
The damage done
You are addicted
And yet, if you have the will, the speaker is the best place to dig deep into. You can't make it from scratch. Forget it! 
Please choose the over the top of your short list, give your best effort and keep the expectations low. You will be surprised with the outcome.
If you make it with dedication and attention to detail, you may easily sell it when you want to proceed to another project. It continues to amaze me how smoothly went the sale of 5 TT & 4 speakers that I've done.

I don't know what is the motive behind these projects.  
Financial reasons, or just fun, or about the uniqueness of creation. 
Maybe it is more about self-esteem ...
But then you realize, you have just make a jump to the next level
and suddenly all the glitter has gone. No more trendy boutiques for you...
Aqualung my friend ... You are no more with our collective elite.

and you are still wondering why this board does not hosts DIY ...
Does anyone know what tower cabinet at Parts Express can be used with a GR Research tower kit? My step son would like to build a set of floor standing speakers, but needs a cabinet not just drivers and crossover.  He wants floor standers.  Thanks. 
I decided to take a leap of faith . I am building a set of Madisound NADA speakers with Lee Taylor cabinets .I will know this weekend if they meet my expectations . Based on what I have read about them they should work well in my room .
Be sure you ask Lee for advice before you buy your crossover. He knows his stuff inside and out.