Opinion on audio note kit dac 5.1 or 4.1

Hi Guys

Happened to chance upon a audio note kits dac, and their dac 4.1 and 5.1 looks really interesting!
Have never heard them in person before, but their specifications look pretty good!
Have any of you heard them before, and what kind of sound characteristics do they impart? (in terms of sound stage, musicality/sweetness, smoothness, warmth/brightness etc)
What system do you play them in and how would you compare them with other dacs you have owned?

they sound very good... relaxed warm sound with detail presented in a gentle natural way
I have had the 2.1 for years after quite a few others and I still love it. Very non digital, but as jjss49 says, great detail and all of the other good stuff.
Hi Jjss and roxy,

Thanks for your input!

How do they compare to other dacs? Esp tube dacs or audio note dacs?

Thanks! :)