
Where is the best place to install a higher quality set of interconnect cables? Would it be best to place them from the DAC to pre or from pre to power amp? I can only purchase one set right now so I will have to use one of my existing pairs which is a couple product lines lower. Thoughts?
I have Transparent Premium cords on preamp, power amp, Bluesound Vault, DAC and Equi-1800 power Conditioner along with hospital grade 20A receptacles and a dedicated circuit.
So many great cables out there. Both from the industry mainstays as well as boutique makers. My recent experiences indicate that the actual sonic supremacy of the former has narrowed as the latter has improved at a higher rate (in some cases) over the past few years and often (but not always) sell at a lower cost.

However, a great cable is a great cable and the big boys’ $$ cables can be lifetime investments. At least they are in some positions in my system as I experiment with some newer brands in other positions with good success.

I am getting comfortable that extreme spending is not required anymore except in the most demanding equipment/listener situations. NOT to say that the entry level stuff is sufficient for most audiophiles with higher-resolving systems and a discerning ear, only that intelligently-selected moderately-priced offerings from the relative newcomers can be very close to the best (and most costly).

I would not buy them at all but put the $$ into an EITR, an optical isolator or a better DAC.

If I were forced to buy cables, I'd try out the Lush which a lot of people like (no real listening tests on them tho).

I would always address the problematic USB interface and the speaker cables before mucking about with interconnects, which should be balanced anyway.
My experience is to use higher quality interconnects at the source component.