Opinions about upgrade

Hello all, 

This is my first message, im very happy to be here. 

I want to upgrade my proac d18 speakers. I like them, but i wanna a better speaker. My amp is hegel h160. I have some speakers in my mind like Spendor d7, Graham ls5/9 and harbeth super hl5+. I have not auditioned them so far. I want to hear your opinions about this upgrade. Thanks in advance. 

Thanks for your replies. My budget is about 4k pound and My room 22x12 feet square. Yes, I like my hegel h160, it is really a good amp. I have no special concern about d18, Indeed i want to better speaker in every aspect. But better soundstage, neutral frequency response are my priorities.
If you like the proac sound but wish to improve soundstage & frequency response, ATC is an obvious contender, a 20, 40 or used 50.
Generally, of the ones you mention, the bigger Spendors & Harbeths (30 etc) offer a more complete sound in a similar style, i.e. better frequency response.

Really good suggestions.  I’m launching in a completely different direction.  Your Hegel shows Fixed/Variable Out.  ATC speakers were suggested.  Consider the ATC active for that much money.  Smarter people than me weighed in on my review of the ATC 40 active.
