Just read your graaf post and I posted just before you about a year ago. My post also cited problems - take a look. My graaf also required replacement of the large capacitors (one or two as I recall), a power tube socket, a resistor, and one other thing I can not recall. However, after I purchased some Zeros - autotransformers - that stepped up the speaker input impedance - all problems went away and the sound improved dramatically. With the zeros in place, the amp had no problems for well over a year of steady use. Before I sold the amp, I had the tubes replaced and the unit fully checked out by an authorized Graaf service facility and was perfect.
My speakers are the Alon IVs with an impedance range from 8 to 3 ohms! I looked up your speakers and it looks like their impedance is 4 ohms. The amp specs say that it wants to push against no less than 8 ohms. So, I suspect that your amp may be working too hard - I recommend the autotransferms by Paul Speltz (you can search direct and there is a link on the atmasphere web page (they make OTLs also). As I understand it, OTLs are very sensitive to speaker impedance, and while tube amps (unlike ss amps) are also sensitive to speaker impedance, the lack of an output transformer makes the OTL design more vulnerable. My dealer (Stereo Unlimited in Walnut Creek, CA) knowingly and ignorantly sold me the $5K amp to drive my Alons (which they also sold me) - I do not do business with them any more.
My speakers are the Alon IVs with an impedance range from 8 to 3 ohms! I looked up your speakers and it looks like their impedance is 4 ohms. The amp specs say that it wants to push against no less than 8 ohms. So, I suspect that your amp may be working too hard - I recommend the autotransferms by Paul Speltz (you can search direct and there is a link on the atmasphere web page (they make OTLs also). As I understand it, OTLs are very sensitive to speaker impedance, and while tube amps (unlike ss amps) are also sensitive to speaker impedance, the lack of an output transformer makes the OTL design more vulnerable. My dealer (Stereo Unlimited in Walnut Creek, CA) knowingly and ignorantly sold me the $5K amp to drive my Alons (which they also sold me) - I do not do business with them any more.