I have a Heimdall 2, and heard a Frey 2 (power cord). Heimdall won, but here's the twist: the dealer had not broken in the Frey 2 very much. I don't care what Nordost or anyone else says: these things take WEEKS to break in, 24/7. I've owned EVERY iteration of power cords: Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Valhalla, (series 1) and then Heimdall, Tyr and Frey 2 (interconnects) and they ALL take almost exactly 3 weeks to break in. Anything less than that period and you're just not hearing them. And it's fine to choose someone else's cord/interconnect or whatever. Just make sure whatever you're listening to, the dealer has played it steadily for a month. I think many of us are disappointed in things that aren't fully broken in. I heard my Hurricanes in 2003 at Lyric and sat thru the audition, but walked out thinking, they've GOT to be better than this. Harry swore by them. So I ordered a pair - elsewhere - and cold, out of the box - but on speakers and cable that were used, they sounded otherworldly good. So, don't go by what you hear in the store. That was 13 years ago, and I don't have much faith in dealers anymore. Well, some of them. They are so lazy, and as one said, "Are you kidding? We change equipment so often, it would take forever to break them in." And I thought, that's why your Sasha setup sounds so bland (with the latest ARC electronics driving them. No nuance, no inflections. Impressive to a novice, maybe. Not impressive to an experienced listener at all).
Concerning break-in (or lack of it), you'll either be sold on a component - or come out a skeptic.
Concerning break-in (or lack of it), you'll either be sold on a component - or come out a skeptic.