Opinions on Nuprime vs D-sonic vs Red Dragon vs Class D Audio

I'm looking to try a class D based power amplifier. Please share your experiences with the NuPrime, D-Sonic,  Red Dragon or Clas D Audio lines of power amplifiers. Thanks!

I went with a Class D, mainly because of space restraints.
I was looking at Red Dragon; but absolutely no contact from him and all of his amps were sold-out.

My front-end is pretty simple: 
Simaudio Moon 260DT CD transport.
Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC
Schiit Sys passive preamp( soon to be Tortuga LDR300).
Speakers are JBL Studio 230 on 24" San us stands.
Pretty simple; but for a condo, just right!
Nice front end, I'll be interested to hear what you think of the tortuga vs the sys. I was using a sys before my current passive and was looking at the tortuga but ended up saving some money and going with the promitheus. Another cool passive worth looking at are the Hattor passives. They have a lot of the same functionality as the tortuga but a different methodology (ladder resistors vs LDR).

I think Red Dragon is coming out with a new series of amps so I'm sure Ryan is busy.

Never heard of class D audio but the price point is right and it sounds like you really enjoy it! I've always been interested in some of the DIY kits but just never have bit.
I am going to chime in. I have a separate thread where I was asking about the newer Classe class D. It has really impressed me so far. Does not sound like my previous experience with class d. Sounds like a very musical and accurate class a/b but with a ton of power on tap for tight and pronounced mid bass. I was very skeptical with a $4k msrp. I am very happy. However Classe tuned this amp, they did a really good job. Renewed my faith in class d. I will keep it for quite some time. 

    I'm not surprised at all that you're really enjoying your Class D Audio SDS-470C.  My first class D amp was a Class D Audio SDS-440SC that I bought as a completed amp, not as the kit version. 
     I consider Class D Audio to be the company offering the best bargains (highest sound quality per dollar) not just in class D amps (both kits and completely built amps) but home audio amps in general. 
      I only paid about $600 for my amp and it outperformed my former class AB Aragon 4004MKII, that was 3 times the size, weight and price of the Class D Audio amp.  The 440SC bettered my old amp in literally every area I considered important on my Magnepan 2.7QR speakers; a touch more power (440 w/ch vs 400 w/ch into 4 ohms), better bass, a more detailed and a smoother mid-range and treble, a lower noise floor, lower distortion levels, and better dynamics.  Both amps were roughly equal in their abilities to create a solid and stable sound stage illusion.  I'm fairly certain you're enjoying a similar high level of quality with the performance of your amp. 
      Encouraged by the exceptional quality of this initial class D amplification experience, I have since bought a few more class D amps more out of curiosity than anything else.  I bought an Emerald Physics EP100.SE stereo and a pair of D-Sonic M3-600-M mono-block amps. 
      All of the class D amps I've used thus far in my system are similar in several characteristics.  They all have  a very neutral presentation (like a 'straight wire with gain') that seemingly adds or subtracts nothing to the inputted signals, excellent bass response due to the amp format's high Damping Factors (the ability to quickly start and stop woofer drivers), exceptionally low noise floors due to very low distortion levels and very high Signal to Noise Ratios, very good dynamics due to very fast Slew Rates and an abundance of reserve power and a very detailed presentation without the presence of shrillness or harshness. 
     The D-Sonic mono-blocks are definitely the best performing class D amps, or any other type of amps, I've ever used to drive my Magnepans.  They're by far the most powerful (1,200 w/ch into 4 ohms) which may help explain their superior dynamics but I also notice other superior qualities such as their dead-quiet background noise level, increased details and neutrality that clearly reveals the varying quality levels of recordings and upstream components as well as more easily determining the different affects alternate power cords, interconnects, speaker cables or any other changes have on my system's overall sound quality.
      Due to their superiority over my prior good quality class AB amps, my combo 2-ch music and ht system now uses completely class D amplification; my original Class D Audio stereo amp drives my rear surround Infinity spkrs, my Emerald Physics stereo amp in bridged mono mode drives my Magnepan CC3 center spkr and my most recently purchased D-Sonics mono-blocks drive my main L+R spkrs.        Sorry, I haven't listened yet to the Nuprime or Red Dragon class D amps but I've read very good reviews on them from pro reviews and here on Audiogon.
