opinions on Rega RS1 speakers

Is anyone using these bookshelf speakers??

What do you think about them? how are they working out?

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on these, I heard a pair briefly at an Audio store in Seattle, They sounded pretty good, seemed to have nice detail and musical.

Anyone using them?

Please share your thoughts.
I've never heard them, but they got a very good review at TechRadar, which I believe is the online version of England's HiFi Choice magazine. If I recall correctly, they gave the Regas a five-out-of-five-star rating.

Mcgarick, as you may know, Rega isn't real big on giving specs for any of their products.
They're great lil speakers...they rock! and yes, they are musical....but I don't know if I'd bother with a sub...if you want more bass, get a larger speaker...
I have the predecessor R1s in a second system. I swapped in the R1s as an interim stop-gap fix in my main system. They captivated me enough to sell off my Totem Forest and Totem Arros in my main system and I have now upgraded to Rega R9s.
My audiophile buddies generally concur that the Regas proved to be a quantum step up.

I am now looking for the Rega Rega R integrated amp and Rega DAC to marry up to the R1s as my second system kit.

IMO you will NOT be disappointed with the RS1s
Akg ca
What was your gear before REGA? I think you may have tipped me to buy the Regas!
BTW, I soldered in some Claritycaps in my speakers and they took a leap forward...nice
Funny I don't own a pair these since I've mentioned them to friends on a budget who are looking for good sound for small bedroom systems or live in small apartments. All of the Rega speakers I've heard including the floor standers are nice sounding. Kudos to Rega a solid company with a excellent product line. Having said that I guess I should get myself a pair now.