Opinions on what to upgrade first; speakers or DAC

Okay, so i have been piecing together a moderate system for my ultra tiny apartment.

The setup currently consists of:

B&K AVR202
Pioneer ELITE BDP-05fd
Vintage KEF C-Series speakers with NOS woofers just installed :)
Apple TV fed to the B&K via optical
Panamax line conditioner
Audioquest King Cobra interconnects from analog outs on Pioneer to B&K
Paul Speltz anti cable speaker cables

I have been toying around with the idea of upgrading something, i guess because the last setup i had sounded leaps and bounds better it was:

Audible Illusions M3A pre
Classe CDP.5
B&K Ref4420
B&W CDM9NT speakers

I know we are obviously talking about two totally different price points, but i am taking opinions on what would be the next best upgrade?
I will take great speakers and an adequate source over a great source and only adequate speakers any day. Speakers first!
The upgrade the speakers, then the DAC.

I upgraded my speakers last. I wish I would have upgraded them first so I could tell how good or bad my current system sounded.
the speakers, did someone say CD player? Isn't that as useful as the 8 track now?
Correct the weak link first, in this case I`d improve the the source as the speakers are decent. Information lost upstream won`t ever be restored downstream.The only thing better speakers will do with a poor source is just reveal what precedes them ,warts and all.