OPPO 105; how to beat it and at what price?

I am in the process of building my reference system around my new Wilson Alexia’s. I am currently using the OPPO 105. How much would I have to spend to get a significant audible improvement? What would that unit be?
Sorry for my fact error above and if I overstepped my bounds, Ric...not out to put words into anyone's mouth, but I still get carried away when I gush sometimes - especially during happy hour...(sigh)
I highly recommend that you contact Ric Schultz at EVS (tweakaudio.com) I had him do an all out mod on my 105d and I am very pleased with the results. I now have a world class very versatile player. See my post from June 12.
Ditto a Ric Shultz modified Oppo 105. It beat an Esoteric I had for an in house addition.
As an end note to this thread my Esoteric K-01 arrived today and right out of the box my reaction was WOW. I didn't think it was possible to get that kind of improvement. Obviously one would expect this for the price difference. I often think some of this crazy high end gear is more hype than real improvement. Maybe I'll start believing that cables make a major difference (not there yet)?
You might find it interesting to audition an MIT Oracle AC2 powercord with your Oppo. The improvement in sound will not be at all unremarkable. (I know the AC2 is expensive). I would be very interested to hear how much closer the sound is to your Esoteric on its regular power cord!