Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd
I've ben looking at the BDP95 to replace my BDP-83SE hotrodded unit. It would also replace a 3K DAC.

It turned out that my hotrodded 83SE simply sounded better than my very nice DAC. But and there's a but to this. The 3K DAC has a better soundstage and retreives more detail than the Oppo. The Oppo just has a certain synergy with my Allnic preamp, Pass Labs Amp and my Decade D1 speakers.

My current DAC simply doesn't work well with my speakers.

So now I'm looking at the BDP-95 and having Dan at Modwright perform his magic. But before I bite that bullet I really would like to know just how good a modded BDP-95 or even a nuforce 93 really is. I originally planned on a Ayon CD player but I have these music libraries at like to play someday...

I would actually like to have a blu-ray player with 3D capability just for the hell of it (and I bought a 3D TV) but I'm a 2 channel guy so.

This is an interesting thread. Anyone hear a modwright BDP95?
Hi, Desalvo55. I hear what you're saying about your modded 83SE. Synergy is everything. If the synergy isn't there it makes us look for that elusive magic. It's all about balance in our systems. Having said that, the same guy who designed the board for the Nuforce 93NE and 93NXE does the digital mods for Modwright. So it should be very fine indeed. But I haven't hear it. If you check out the 6Moons review on the Nuforce 93Ne and NXE it might be helpfull and ask the editor questions. He is quick to reply. ALso it is interesting that on the Nuforce website they have dropped plans for modding the 95 after hearing the modded 93NXE9,$1399US . Take that for what you will but Jason at Nuforce is quick to answer all questions on the units. Which unit will make the synergy work in your system? Ummm, tough choice. I would really like to hear the Nuforce 93NXE in my system but the 93NE is doing magic on the vocals here. I wold suspect the soundstage on the NXE mod would be bigger and more extended I'm guessing here.Let us know how it goes. I do think there are some reviews forthcoming on the Oppo 95. cheers and good luck, lloyd
I've found the audio of my oppo 93ne very good for movies. And perfect for a kind of movie. The sound of the 93ne is very intimate, warm, perfect for human voices. So if you favourite movies are comedies or dramas, so oppo 93ne will be perfect. But if you like more bombastic movies like james cameron's or tony scott's you'll go better with oppo93nxe or oppo 95, with their prominance in high frequencies and bigger soundstage.
Does anyone have any additional comments on the sound of the stock BDP-95 vs the 2 Nu Force 93's in 2 channel analog mode for music? Curious about both CD & SACD.

My current digital front end is an an Esoteric P-10>Illuminati Cable>PS Audio SL3 D/A.

To those who have heard the Oopo & NuForce units, will SACD on either likely sound better than CD on my current rig? As strange as it sounds, in my very limited experience, i have not found a Uni player that does SACD as well as my current rig does red book cd.

Part of the reason I am gun shy is I recently had the chance to hear the Oppo 983 with high res source material. While it was in a bright system (Krell, Dahlquist & cheap cable) IT WAS AWFUL. Extremely bright. I have heard a Xindak cd player in the same system that was pretty musical sounding, so while I suspect there was a system mismatch involved, that wasn't the entire issue. And this was their flagship player just 3 years ago!
Hi, Moomoo. I can't answer your question per the Oppo95. And I can't comment on the system you heard the Oppo 83 in. Now I didn't own an 83 but I did have the Oppo83SE. It never sounded bright in my system[Krell Pam 3 pre, Simaudio 4070SE, Newform research R8-2's930" ribbons], and actually was easy to listen to on CD. If there was any brightness, the ribbons would point this out. At that time we were comparing it to a friends Arcam 33FMJ[hope I got that model right]. It was Arcams top model from a few years back[this one had the last ring dac]....I found it a bit more refined or finished..a touch tidier if you will, than the Oppo 83SE in my opinion. My friend actually leaned towards the Oppo...go figure. They were both musical. Now on CD another friend owing a Marantz 12Sacd [I forget the exact model number but it is a fine unit]....told me the Nuforce 93NXE was a big leap in cd playback over the Oppo83SE. He kept saying how the bass was spot on to what he's used to hearing. He thought the unit had a certain "magic" if you will. I concured as everything is so system dependant when you're searching for that elusive "synergy". I think I've found it here. Does Oppo offer a "return policy" if the unit doesn't work for you? Give them a call or e-mail to see. Oppo is very consumer friendly[as is Nuforce]. Good luck and keep us informed how it goes. cheers, lloyd