I finally got around to playing around with a lower loading, per our discussions above.
To recap:
I have a Teres 255 with a Shelter 501 Mk II into a K&K phono stage that includes a 20db (1:10) Lundahl step-up. I have been running happily with 100 ohms loading (using 10k Caddock resistors per the K&K loading kit).
Doug's using 38 ohms with his Bent transormers got some of us wondering if a lower loading would be better. I split the difference and went to 75 ohms (7.5k Caddocks).
That experiment didn't work out well, as I lost the bass. So 100 ohms seems like the right balance between bass and highs: I am sticking with it.
To recap:
I have a Teres 255 with a Shelter 501 Mk II into a K&K phono stage that includes a 20db (1:10) Lundahl step-up. I have been running happily with 100 ohms loading (using 10k Caddock resistors per the K&K loading kit).
Doug's using 38 ohms with his Bent transormers got some of us wondering if a lower loading would be better. I split the difference and went to 75 ohms (7.5k Caddocks).
That experiment didn't work out well, as I lost the bass. So 100 ohms seems like the right balance between bass and highs: I am sticking with it.