
Responses from williamdc

Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
Lynn, Yeah, no negative feedback and single stage tube design should be added to my checklist. I recall first reading your articles on your nutshellhifi.com site -- "The Amity, Raven, and Aurora" and "The Karna Amplifer" close to 20 years ago. ... 
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
  My (opinionated) tube preamp checklist: * Must take full advantage of balanced DACs * No Balanced to Single Ended input transformers * Must support XLR balanced out and RCA single-ended out for use with balanced amps or single-ended amps. *... 
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
I received my Raven preamp a week ago.  I've got about 80 hours on it now.   It's great!  I'm really digging the expanded tone colors, instrument textures, sense of space, and natural non-mechanical sound. My system is all digital using a Holo M... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@tinear123, When you listed your system, it looked to me that the Atma-Sphere amps would be the best fit to replace your Crown-XLi-1500 bass amp. The Reference Compact cabinets in my experience respond well to the best amplification possible. (I... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Ralph, Excellent, just what I was looking for to see inside the monoblock (I'll watch the entire video when I have time).  Milpai, Thanks for posting the link and zeroing in on the pertinent part of the video. pstores, I'm appreciating your p... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
pstores, You deleted my smiley face in your response. :)  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
It would be nice to be able to see photos of the interior of the monoblocks, as @ricevs has requested. If only to make sure there is not a Purifi module in there. :)  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
More photos here: https://jamesromeyn.com/components/atma-sphere/class-d-mono-blocks/      
Puritan PSM156 vs. Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF?
Mr. Lion, It is going to depend on what power problems you have that you are trying to fix.  What conditioner works well for one home might not work that well in another. For example, the Puritan conditioners can fix DC on line issues while the ... 
Puritan PSM156
<<I find my system sounds the best with everything plugged into the 156.  Tried removing my amp and the sound was nowhere as good.>> Same for my Pass XA25 amp.  It sounds quite a bit better plugged into the PSM156, versus plugging it ... 
Puritan vs Nordost Power Cable
I have the Puritan PSM156 which came with the Classic 20A cord. I upgraded to the Ultimate 20A cord. Big improvement! Better more realistic bass, more relaxed sound, good treble and midrange, higher rez.  It’s a big change though -- if you like ... 
Two new Schiit Yggdrasil's released yesterday!
Almost forgot: An anti static wrist strap and a way to ground it is highly recommended to prevent the EEPROM chip from getting zapped. Even more importantly, the strap will prevent any of the sensitive chips on the Yggy boards from getting wrecked... 
Two new Schiit Yggdrasil's released yesterday!
The EEPROM based firmware update for the DSP board is socketed. So no soldering at all is required to do the install.However, one needs to be vewy vewy careful not to bend (and then possibly break off) a fragile pin on the EEPROM during the chip s... 
Pure Class A SS vs Tube Amp
Personally, I think adding in-line attenuators to a Pass XA 30.8 would be like adding a big lift kit to a Tesla Model S. 
DAC It Out Shootout August 24th Saturday, 11-3pm Scottsdale, AZ
This looks like it was a pretty cool shootout.  Very impressed with your audio club.  I enjoyed reading the review, thanks.  Here is an excerpt from the review: Take Aways: -Tube units faired better than solid state. -Ladder DACs did pretty well ...