Oracle Delphi Mk I motor and PS upgrades

Are there any good/cheaper alternatives to Origin Live's motor and PS upgrade for the Oracle Delphi Mk I?
Have you tried the speed adjustment screws either on the back of the motor mount or on the left side of the front speed selector mount? You should be able to get some speed adjustment from those.
I adjusted the screw on the back of the motor as far as it would go. I don't see anything to adjust on "the left side of the front speed selector mount." Your Delphi is newer than mine, so I might not have that. Thanks again for your help.
Ok, then try putting a layer of tape around the part of the platter that the belt rides on. This makes the platter circumferance bigger, which would slow down the platter. YOu may have to use more than one layer. masking tape works fine, but make sure you clean and degrease the area so it sticks well.
Manitunc, this is a bit late, but I appreciate your help. I'm embarrassed to say, but I was using an LED to measure the speed. A friend clued me into the fact that an LED doesn't flicker at 60 Hz. I don't why I didn't think of this sooner, but I'm happy to report that my motor speed is spot-on without any repairs or mods.