Orchid vs TUBADOUR III - Help me choose

Links to the products https://6moons.com/audioreview_articles/mhdtlab/ and https://www.audiomirror.com/product-page/tubadour-iii-non-oversampling-tube-dac.

The Orchid is 1100$ and the TUBADOUR III (T3) 1500$.
The are both R-2R tube DAC with tube buffered output. The inside of the Orchid looks very organised and clean. the T3 is a little messy. Which one should I choose?

I am in Denmark so there is no way to try before buy.
It's a little too late, would have loved to read the review. But I just ordered the Orchid.

I figured that it was 400$ less and since I couldn't compare them I went for the cheapest one (:

But I will read the review if I dare.
Hey martin-anderson,

Rest easy tonight!  Congrats on purchasing the Orchid.  I just stopped a listening session of four hours with Orchid driving the system with beautiful tonality and air and space around each player without a hint of digital dryness or flatten of images that so many hi-rez DACS create when used in my system.

I'm sure the Audio Mirror is an excellent DAC in its own right, but that does not necessarily mean its better then the Orchid.  Enjoy, and let us know what you think when you finally get it.
Vlad go for it, Teajay is a very good reviewer, very fair, He will write exactly what he will hear , I heard the orchid in his system thru his ps tekton, Iam very impress...
I am very interested in seeing Teajay's Audio Mirror DAC review.  I am trying to choose among the Orchid, the Tubadour III, and the Border Patrol DAC's.  I have been using the MHDT Paradisea+ for many years and am looking for an upgrade with high musicality, and high boogie factor.
mlg, Do you mean you have a Musical Paradise MP-D2 DAC? If so why aren't you looking to get their Mark III updated version?