Order of best of the best phono preamps

Here is a list of the best phono preamps based on a-goners comments:
The world class phono pre's, the reference units for many audiophiles are as follows (not in any specific order):
FM Acoustics,.............Klyne 7,.............Essential 3150,.............Basis asr exclusive,
Aesthetix IO Sig.,Manley steelhead,Wavestream,Einstein,
Nick doshi Alaap,Dartzeel NHB18ns,Tom Evans The Groove Plus,Zanden,Lamm lp2,Supratek Grange,VAC Renaissance,
Conrad Johnson Premier 15,Hagerman Trumpet,Walker Reference,
Herron VTPH-1 mc,Art Audio Reference,Artemis PL-1,K and K,BAT VKP10SE Super pack,E.A.R. 324,Thor TA-3000,Cary PH302,ARC Reference,Rowland Cadence,Syrah,JLTI,Ayre,
Pass Xono,Clearaudio Reference,Sutherland Ph.D,Whest PS.20,
Wright WPP200c,Connosieur,GSP slee era goldV,ZYX Artisan,
Linn Linto,Electron Images MCP-1,E.A.R 834p modified,
Wavac LCR-X2 mm / mc reference phonostage,Tron Seven,Boulder 2008,
What order would you place these phono preamps based on listening experiences on a familiar systems?
Any one do a shoot out comparison?
Clio09, thanks for the suggestion. For the first time after hearing it before many times I am seriously thinking about going to Mitch SIngerman with my 834P.
Pedrillo - the other options will always be there. For the minimal investment in Mitch's mods you might find a bridge to your ultimate phonostage. Then again maybe you will have found your answer. Only one way to find out.