Ordered my new amp today... been a long road!

Ordered a Parasound A21+ this morning after a year of saving and selling and buying new speakers... This should be it!


Haven't sat and listened with a gin n tonic in over two years... My Martin loans sh#t the bed every year for about 3 years so I bought a pair of 10T's... then my Mac amp wouldn't power them ... sold that now on to the A21+

Excited is not a strong enough word. Thanks for all the advice and wisdom!

Now to find a good 30 ga. power cable! lol
@jetter - sorry, I can't remember writing that and I had so many different fuse combinations in my Parasound equipment that it was possible I was getting confused.  The Parasound is definitely not the fastest amp.  When using stock fuses, I think it has good mid-midrange, but the upper midrange and highs are warmed/softened and rolled off somewhat. 

After trying several amps in my system and hearing a crap load of equipment at RMAF, I am actually back to using Emotiva XPR-1 monoblocks for everything.  Except I have basically ripped out all the guts and did a massive rebuild/upgrade on everything internally (HUGE project).  The XPR was always an awsome sounding amp (with Furutech fuses), but I always wondered if I could do better and the Emotiva did have just a little bit of harsh grain to it.  So, right now, I have four modified XPR-1 amps and a modified Emotiva XPA-DR2 amp for surrounds.
Oh, in addition to Parasound JC1s, I tried Bryston 7B3 monobocks.  Those were not actually bad, but way to fast/thin sounding.  They could not keep up with either the JC1 or Emotiva in body and bass.
I tried some Classe M300 monoblocks.  All the sound was there, but to me it just sounded flat.  Completely non-exciting.  No life or emotional engagement.  I'm sure caphill will chime in here and tell me that I'm completely crazy, but that is what I ended up with in my system.  Strangely, when I switch to stock power cords on the Classe amps, it got a little better, but I just was not impressed at all.
Thanks for sharing your journey auxinput, much fun.  My latest venture is having my old Museatex Meitner monoblocs update by John Wright, who use to work for that company and Meitner.  Expecting to receive them at the end of the week or early next week.  They have been in storage for a lot years due to a protection circuit problem that I was too lazy to have fixed.