@goofyfoot I have heard the Illustrious used with a Garrard 401 and have a long term usage of a 401 under my belt with a SME IV.
I never had a Cart' in use as the Sumiko Pearwood.
From Recollection, the experience of the Garrard 401 built into a Compressed Bamboo Plinth > Illustrious > Sumiko, mounted on a 2 X Tier of Panzerholz Board as a Sub Plinth, is possibly the best Idler Drive I have heard in a non owned system, and I would say this will possibly have been the outcome if the demonstration was in my own system.
The owner of the arm now has it mounted with Cart' on a Belt Drive Schue TT, which has been modified with a Origin Live Modified Motor.
I am yet to be demonstrated this, but the owner is claiming that it is as good as the SME 20/12 that was sold off not too long ago.
Recently I missed a demonstration of comparisons between the Schue, and Two other TT's.