The Quintet series replaces the Vivo and Rondo lines of MC cartridges. IMO they are quite good performers for the price, which is very close to the 2M MM series.
Recently I had an opportunity to directly compare the 2M Black, Quintet Black and Cadenza Black cartridges on the same turntable and tonearm. My take: they are all great, and while they share a similar voicing they are all different.
The Quintet Black was quieter and more detailed in the high end compared to the 2M Black, by a significant amount. Compared to the Quintet Black, the Cadenza Back is significantly more detailed and nuanced, as would be expected from the higher price point.
I would strongly recommend the Quintet Black (or any cartridge in the series) if budget were a constraint or if you needed to mate a good MC cartridge with a tonearm that simply wouldn't do justice to the Cadenza series.
*Disclaimer* I am an Ortofon dealer